We’ve released an English page for job seekers!


Hello job seekers! 

Welcome to our web-site.

We are determined to find you quality job opportunities in Japan.

Our team is a great mixture of multi-national professionals both from Indonesia and Japan.

Thanks to our background and expertise in the recruitment, academia, nursing care, rental and other fields, we are able to assist you in a variety of ways.

We’ll gradually enhance our web contents including the job offerings in Japan.

So, don’t forget making regular visit at our site, and contact us anytime for any questions via ‘Contact us’.

Let’s work hard together to start your dream career in Japan.

Eight Global HR Co., Ltd

We have a monthly online meeting on the recruitment in Japan.

It’s conducted in English and joined by job seekers, business partners, and us.

You can join the meeting just by contacting us.

    Birth Day(required)<
